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160110 NO Condemnation

Romans 8:1-4 (1) There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spir...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Morning Muse

Who has sunrise at 2am in October? My Google Theme does. This is amusing. I used to wonder why it showed nightime in the middle of the afternoon, and now I have a suspicion that it is on Greenwich time. Too bad. Sunrise is my favorite time of day!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

111011 The Fall

It will get worse. It could get a lot worse. My dad once said that we almost lost this country 75-80 years ago. It was bad then, and we recovered. We might recover. We might. Basic rights are no longer sure. There are enough laws, that no one has obeyed them all. 

We are all incredibly wealthy, and yet "they" tell us that we are poor. Class warfare leads to revolution. Some have seen the irony of protesting corporations by using cell phones to organize and wearing expensive shoes while rioting. Bread and circuses ruined Rome. Two thousand years from now, someone will write a paper on us, comparing the fall of western civilization to the Fall of the Roman Empire. Like them, it won't be quick and clean. It will be slow and agonizing.

Hey, I'd be happy and post the Word, but that just brings out the trolls.

1 Thessalonians 1:10
And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I may be gone for awhile, unless this mood abates tomorrow.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

111008 I Have a Friend

I have a friend (?) on Facebook who has taken exception to what I 'like' there. She has started sending me numerous links about 'evil' corporations. She has a husband and a family in a nice house with a couple of nice vehicles, a smart phone, and uses the average products of an average American family, many of which I do not have because I cannot afford them. Some of the evil corporation stuff is quite pointed about how they are not really people.

Last year, I endured (am enduring) a crisis that left me a single mom with no job. I am living off the what is left from the sale of my farm. Also, I own a little stock. This makes *me* part of the *evil* corporate structure she so despises in her naive repetition of what the propaganda machine spews.

Another of my friends has allowed me and my children a place to stay. Unfortunately, she's 'evil' too. Oil was found on her property. You guessed it. She has become a 'greedy' oil producer. You never hear about the people like us. Corporations and oil producers are supposed to be faceless fat cats out of touch with real people, not real people struggling harder than those protesters ever thought of doing.  :(

Thursday, October 6, 2011

111006 Steve

He was born eight months before Bill Gates and three years before me. In the 1980s, my dad asked me why *I* couldn't have produced and developed exciting computer technologies and/or software such as they did. (...and you think YOUR parents put pressure on you!)

"Superior ability breeds superior ambition." I'll credit that quote at the end of this blog. ;)

When Apple started to become famous, a geeky nerd with poor social skills and questionable personal hygiene approached Jobs at a computer convention. Jobs blew him off, and that's why IBM runs off of Microsoft products. Jobs did a lot of things wrong, but often, that's how a person finds out how to do it correctly. At one time, he took illegal drugs. He made bad business decisions. He started a war within his own company. Through it all, he stayed famous and made a bunch of money. While there's nothing wrong with that, It's not necessarily a recommendation of good character.

I can't think of any product of his that I've used, unless you count  things that may be accessed online and converted for use with a PC. My first computer experience happened when I learned to use a mainframe from Digital Equipment Corporation, (DEC 10). My first microcomputer was a PC, not an Apple. Mac screens were too small for me. Business used IBM compatible machines, so I did, too. Those things developed by Steve Jobs may have added to the technology available in our society, but he was not alone. There were other microcomputers that other people were trying to develop. His simply worked sooner and better than the rest.

Don't believe that I hated Jobs. He simply was not part of my circle. I did like his Superbowl commercial of 1984. I'm sorry he died. It sounded like he was starting to learn something useful about life by facing death. Isn't that the way it goes?

*Khan Noonien Singh, Star Trek Episode, "Space Seed".