It had already started with public buildings, then proceeded into private areas. It's the continuation of a trend towards universal control. I am allergic to the point of ER visits, but I view this as a disturbing trend into the rights of others. Even when smoking was prevalent, (or even cool), there were places those of us who didn't could go. If an establishment failed to provide a non-smoking area, I just didn't go there. I voted with my feet. This trend to legislate our health has more than a few disturbing ramifications, and we need to fight it tooth and nail if we want to retain our right to make choices!
This question seems to be about the health hazards of smoking, but it is not! It's about our right to choose! Once they eliminate smoking through legislation, they will attack alcohol without regard to what people value. ( Verses ) I wish that smoking tobacco had never been discovered, but it was, and people have a right to choose. Friends who smoke don't do so around me. That makes them friends. If they quit, I would rejoice. If they don't, however, they are still friends!
After alcohol and tobacco are gone, then go the firearms. Firearms have been under attack for decades, because only free people can have them. All of the Old Testament is for our learning, (Romans 15:4). What was all over the OT? Physical battles where weapons were used! Is the world suddenly safe? Are we protected all the time? I'm not giving up MY gun, thank-you!
What about food? Food is dangerous, they say. The Center for Science in the Public Interest uses only that data which supports their claims. For that finite group of people they want to force the rest of us to give up the foods we like and eat the foods they think will make us healthy. Not everyone can eat the same foods. For instance, I cannot consume anything with cow's milk in it, which includes most processed foods, cheese, milk, ice cream, whey, cassain, cream, etc. Some of those things they don't like, but I can't have the things they do! I'm allergic to gluten, so that eliminates most of the rest of processed foods, as well as most grains, which of the rest of the non-animal sources of protein. Between allergies and intolerances, I'm left with a few fruits, most vegetables, and meat. I cringe every time the CSPI makes an announcement, because they are trying to take away another of my choices, like Carl's Jr.
Where will it end? Regulations on business kill jobs. Regulations on products cause shortages. People don't know how to vote with their feet anymore! They want some bigger bully to beat up who and what they perceive as their bully. Yes, government can take care of us, but they will do it by taking our prosperity and making us subjects and slaves! No thank-you! That's what happened to the children of Israel in Egypt. They let Joseph rescue them, but then they didn't pay back the debt! After a generation of living the good life in Egypt, they became slaves! The pattern is there for us to see; think! Don't give over your right to choose just because you don't like the choices of another! There is always another way. We need to repel laws, not make more of them.
Tags: freedom, politics, rights
Smoking in public buildings have been prohibited for some years here, but I doubt they'll ever be as extreme as they are in some States