Since my first exposure to the Word rightly-divided (2 Timothy 2:15), I have been able to reach astounding heights of peace and joy. The weekend just passed was one of those many times where I felt the world lose its evil power over my life, and my heart sang.
This month, I co-authored a play. Yesterday, a group of us performed it as part of a series of seven short plays. It was exhilarating! Our goal was to bless people, and we did. Moon played a karate instructor. (...a real stretch...) She may have caught the ‘acting bug’. Although each group was told to use the same theme, no two plays were alike. They blended together beautifully.
This weekend was our time to ‘fill up’ on the Word. The world is so negative and depressing, that the greatest truths can get lost in its abysmal seas. When Pontius Pilot asked, “What is truth?” it was not an original statement. What makes people think that it is an original statement two thousand years later? Technology aside, children always feel that they have learned lessons their parents missed, but they are only repeating what their grandparents or great-grandparents had learned a century earlier. Philosophies go in cycles, but Man himself doesn’t change. Only individuals change. Then the cycle continues. The Book of Judges demonstrates this, and it was written three thousand years ago about the events of 300 years before that!
What do we believe? What can we believe? Believe what you will, for we all have different needs. God satisfies our needs right where we are. For instance, everything has to make sense to me. I grew up with personal, first-hand experiences that confirmed that spirits existed, so that had to be explained. I had to know that there was more to life than pain and death. I had to have sound scientific answers to various questions.
True science and God’s Word rightly-divided match. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. --Hebrews 4:12
I’ve been told that the joints and marrow cannot be separated, except maybe cell by cell, which can’t be done by man without killing the cells. God designed it, so he knows how to do it, and the Word that He revealed is more precise than the latest mass spectrometer. Man changes things, so the Word has to be hunted down and pursued, hence the Keys to Biblical Research classes we teach.
Somehow, this pursuit causes endorphins to be released. (3 John 2) We get blessed and blessed again as the energy heals us all. My knee didn’t hurt while I was there. It works better today. Our particular play ended with this sprightly chorus:
We are all members of the Body of Christ, (1 Corinthians 12:27)
Sons of God with birth rights; (1 John 3:1,2)
We are Chosen Gems, (Ephesians 1:4)
Polished by God and His Word; (1 Peter 2:4-9)
We are beautiful in God’s sight (Romans 10:15).
Sometimes, people wonder why certain Christians are so happy. I just told why we are. It takes real effort to remain depressed when you have the Creator of the Universe and all His power on your side. The sad part comes when they think that joy is some sort of mental failing.
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